(+9821)88780008-9 & (+9821)88780010

About KTT

Kar & Tadbir Tehran Engineering Co. (PVT) known as KTT founded as an engineering Co. specialized in designing, manufacturing, fabrication, installation and construction of industrial plants in Iran.

Designing and supply of technical services:

Designing of any kind of equipment and structure, piping, instrumentation, mechanical and electrical systems and plants.

Fabrication and manufacturing:

Fabrication and manufacturing of large storage tanks in C.S. and S.S., steel structures, ducting, pressure vessels, silos, reactors, heat exchanger, distillation towers and etc.


Installation of any kine of industrial equipment and machinery.


Construction of plant, machinery, piping, electrical equipment, instruments, insulation, etc. for medium and large size industries.


Dismantling of existing plants and re-erecting them at new location.